31 May 2010

can people live alone?

hellloooo..opppsss...assalamualaikum..im a muslim rite?hehe..my condition right now:lonely and bored and sad and happy..mixed feeling!first i can say that i miss my family damn much!second,i have to admit that i miss tkah..huhu..*blushing2..i just realized that i feel like my heart is missing..just like my fb status L.O.S.T.im like a new student LOLL!OK.my dormates are ok..overall la..but they already have their own gang and of course i will not go there like i dont have dignity..what a shame..why i always think like this?this room is little bit suck!although im happy and grateful that i stay in this room for 4 sem,but the environment is not as same as before..i miss all my ex-dormates when im in 1st sem..its just a habit,we will appreciate a person when she is not here anymore..im just like a nerd now..staying in study room,talking to my lappy and even eat alone!wow!i never think that i'll do this alone..well,i have to be an independent girl right?i cant depend to my friends all the time..i'll try to adapt with this new situation.and i think i start to like it!except for spending more money to buy food,drinks n laundry!hik3..i accept this as a new challenge k.new mission:I WANT TO SCORE 4FLATTTT THIS SEM!oh God,please help me,guide me to the right way.this morning i met my new classmates for math2.erm..little bit dissapointed but its ok.they dont disturb e and so do i.hehe.just like last sem,i only want to be the number ONE!remember that,ONE!insyaAllah..ma and abah,pray for me!i'll make both of you proud of m;)

14 May 2010

ok enough(*-*)

oh my God!thats the first phrase i can tell right now.just now i watched a badminton match between dato' lee chong wei n lin dan.emm..what i can write here is,i feel sorry for chong wei.huhu..we know that chong wei always lose to lin dan.i keep thinking about this.why?and i feel sooooo annoying when i saw lin dan's reaction just now.he even dance in the badminton court!actually im not a sports fan but since all my family members are too excited to watch the thomas cup,so,i just joined them..hehe..nothing much to say,i've spent my time to this thing.but its ok since m'sia have fight until the end.congratulation to all..haha..sorry but i dont remember their names...*because chinese names are hard to remember*..haha..so,just enjoy the pics!;)

11 May 2010

long time no see!

firstly,dont know what to say.i've read others blogs and i admit that i love to read them.quite jealous sometimes when i see the way they write and create their own stories there.creative.and im so impressed with that!emm..mybe i dont have that talent to write a gorgeous story or hottt stuff.whatever.this is not a part of my sylibus so,its ok if i dont update this thing.sorry my dear blog,im trying to be perfect but..hehe..at least i try and will keep trying till im satisfied with myself.long time no see.just like my post title..hik3..many things happened in my life..currently,ive finished my shortsem.now im on holiday.of course in my home sweet home.what a bless!im done with my lem6012 and ept.hoping that i'll pass the ept.pless God,i dont want to repeat that thing.not again.just for the record,i've sit the ept for 4 times!i think its enough..hehehe..im bored with that thing already..yesterday i went to mmp.of course with my sweet friends,gnah,tkah,ayna,long n tkah..i wore heels..oh God..now im suffering because my feet dont have 'connection' with dat thing..how annoying rite?whatever.mybe im not gonna wear heels again.but it just 'maybe'..hehe..many things to write here..hehe..lets put all together in 1 post..its ok because nobody will read this thing,for sure!i just regret 1 thing.theres someone who do not appreciate what i've done to her..she's treating me like a dust!how could she done this to me..i still love her as my friend and i hope she will do so.i've done nothing wrong to her so there's no excuse for herto hte me..what a mess!let her be.erm..im gonna finish this with two special dedications to 2 persons in my heart::
  • ma-happy mothers day and happy belated birthday.sorry for hurting you.i promise that i'll study hard and get 1st class dgree..insyaAllah..please pray for me..;)
  • my elder brother-happy belated birthday ya..please change for your own sake..although he not read my blog,i still want to add my advice here..hehe..be good to your parents ek!hehe..
dats all lorh..its morning already..
thanks to chah..because of you,
i'm updating this thing again!;;D