28 November 2010

hati macam cuka

tetibe terfikir,best kan jadi budak kecik?ok aku tau aku pon kecik.no need to mention that.aku rase la,ape yg best jadi budak sebab mase tu x matang lagi.kite x tau pape means buat salah pon buat dunno je.kite x yah pikir psl masa dpn ke hape ke,x yah pikir cane nk jimat duit nk beli itu ini or ari ni nk pakai baju mana or kain dh kemur ke belom eh? or baju sume dh masuk washing machine ke or pinggan mangkuk dh basuh ngn axion ke belom or rumah ni nk terbalik ke abah dgn ma ok ke adik bradik ade kt umah ke diorang ok ke sihat ke waras lagi ke bla bla bla...tu la main point sbnrnya.haha.pnjang kot intro.entry kali ini agak bercelaru sedondon dgn kondisi mental dan emosi empunya blog.hidup ada pasang surut and roda sentiasa berputar.x semestinya kite akan hepi tiap2 kali bkk mata pagi2 tu kan.yes, i know that.as a human,it's a natural thing when we want to do the best in our lives.that is a reality that no one can deny.and as a muslim, we will try our best so that today would be better than yesterday but we still have to accept that we cant control everything.we plan but He decide.He knows the best for us.and also, everything will not be better if only one person try to change but others just point their fingers!ya Allah,please give US your blessing,show US the right path,the right way to choose.you're the only hope.tears is regardless without effort amalina,so, be strong!toodless.

25 November 2010

assalaaaamualaikum!fuhhh..agak berhabuk la ye ini blog.sorry-my-little-blog,heart said maybe.haha.i'm just counting days now.bape hari nk g gombak?wait,lets check the calendar.ummm..1,2,3...13 days more kot.ntah la.x pndai sgt nk kire2 hari ni.nk g tmpt baru,msti la kene ade brg baru kn?serously,i need a retail therapy right now!tp harapan je la yerk sbb xde sape pon kt umah ni.sume busy-kalah-datuk-najib tu.xpe2.still act cool babe!buat list dulu pon cm ok gk.nnti trus tunjuk kt mak bapak.mau nye pengsan nanti!

1. BAJU KURUNG.siyes ni benda plg WAJIB kene wt baru punye.bosan kot pakai yg same.org tgk pon naik mual. mak i pon mmg suke bab2 beli kain buat baju ni tau!mau taknye,wardrobe mak i penuh baju kurung u know!mmg xde baju lain la.anak melayu sejati katakan.so,ke mana tumpahnya kuah kalau tak atas kain kn?eh eh..maap ckgu meriam ksygn.pnt2 die aja i bm smpai dpt a tp cenggini jadinya.sorry ckgu.

2. BAJU LABUH,segala jenis SELUAR yg blh dibeli ye.i ni bkn jenis addicted to brg2 branded tp kalau dpt apo salahnye.kecik tapak tgn i ni tadah nanti.beli baju labuh siyes prasan cm baek je pdhal tuhan je la tau.saje la wt koleksi,kot2 nanti i masuk usrah ke hape ke kt sane.insyaAllah baek la hendaknye ye.

3. SHOES.yg ini agak la susahnye nk mintak ngn mak bapak i.ma,kasut lg 1 blh?pleasee ye.lau u'oll tgk kt bilik ni mmg dh b'tingkat2 kotak kasut tp biase la ye,manusia mudah bosan dan melayu mudah lupa.kdg2 i lupa kasut jenis ape yg i ade yg last2 nye asyik pakai kasut same je sepanjang tahun.kucing nk tumpang tidur pon takut tau nk datang dkt kasut i!sape brani blh la curik.

4. BRG2 KECIK tu..penting kot nk kene update stok dg yg latest punye.yg ni pon feberet mak i jgk ni. sbakul haaa die punye.i ngn kakak i mmg xleh lwn la.nnti i beli byk2 gantung awa2 kt tingkap bilik i eh?gila!

5. LANGSIR.kdg2 pk cm pelik kedekut sgt ke uia smpai nk kene bli langsir segala.yg itu i x nk masuk cmpur.hehe.ade la senior-yang-baek-hati-lagi-helpful suggest kt i ni,'bawak langsir yang sebesar tingkap and sepanjang pintu'.pening-pening lalat la juga ye bile difikirkan mksud tersirat di sbalik kata-kata seorg senior itu.haha.katanye nk wt ltk kt compartment.yela2.nanti i beli ye..

6. BRG MANDI,deodorant,bedak sejuk,krim itu,krim ini..phm2 sndiri la ye memandangkan nama i ni ada t'tulis binti di blkngnya,maka adalah normal bagi i utuk beli brg2 sebegini ye.

7. naye nk suruh i list sume bnda kt sini.confirm smpai pg esok x abis.*twink twnk*.cukup dh kot yg basic je kite kene bli baru.bantal beg cadar and segala yg remeh temeh tu harap di-ignorekan je la ye.habis duit mak bapak i nanti.mane nk byr fees i yg mahal2 tu,mana nk beli swift utuk i lg.hrpn doe.haha.so,lets shopping!

02 November 2010

exhausted already.

assalamualaikum..as usual..hehe..i've just finished reading an article about muet.that article is well-written by a girl who got band 6 for her muet!yes guys.BAND 6!how could she got the highest level?i'm so inspired by reading that article on her blog and try to convince myself that i also can achieve that good achievement.well,i'm not saying that i hope i'll get band 6,it's just impossible.i'm just hoping that i can perform well.band 4 is enough for me.i realized that i'm not that good in english but i will always try my best.
i'm just too worried on my writing skills.i dont have any idea on muet writing format and i keep searching on muet sample essays on internet but i guess i'm not good in searching information using google or yahoo or whatsoever.so,i'm just exhausted right now.plus i dont even try to write a complete essay now.how could i enter the examination hall without any preparation?oh my God!i really hope that someone will help me,guide me on how to write an essay.this thing really makes me sick la.toooottttt....